

  1. 答:I have bought a oven for half years.I wanted to make something homemade. I try to make Cracker Candy – an easy posed of brown sugar, butter, crackers and chocolate. Luckily, I had everything on hand, including a nice bar of chocolate .
    First is the melted butter, brown sugar mixture. You only boil it for 3 minutes.The crackers have been covered in boiling hot sugar . The chocolate has been sprinkled over the top and is slowly melting.
    The end result was an excellent cookie/candy.
    Cooking DIY is very interesting.
  2. 答:我买了烤箱一半years.I的希望使一些自制。我试图让饼干糖果 - 一个简单的配方组成的红糖,奶油,饼干和巧克力。幸运的是,我手头上的一切,包括一个漂亮的巧克力。
  3. 答:Many people love cookies and to be frankly it is not difficult to make it.Take the following steps to enjoy your own cookies!
    First,add the sugar , eggs , baking soda,water and butter into the flour after the buatter have melted.In the meanwhile,knead them into doughs. Then put them into the oven and bake for 25 minutes. You can have your biscuits after the oven has stopped.
  1. 答:The first is the British invention cookies, when called ", than open ". KaiYuan than for France, a bay's name. More than 150 years ago, there was a ship sailing in Britain than open sea, near sailing, tu encounter a storm, stranded television, and be hit a hole in the rock, the water flows into the cabin. In this crisis, the crew rowed the boat, on the desolate island. They take these things to the small island, with flour mixing cream, sugar, knead the dough into small, in a fire roast and eat, crisp sweet crisp. They rescued after returning home, in memory of the victims, in the same way many small eat bread baked. Such ", than open "gradually spread. After food workers after the constant improvement, made a variety of all the cookies.
  2. 答:Biscuits was first invented in England, at that time it was called" biscay". Bisi Kaiyuan for France in a bay of. 150 years ago, a British boats sailing in Biscay near sea voyage, sudden fierce winds, trek ran aground, and was the rock hit a hole, water poured into the cabin. At this critical juncture, the crew rowed the boat landed on the island, no human habitation. They put these things on the island, with the flour mixing butter, sugar, squeeze into a small dough, roasted on the fire in the eating, fragrant crisp sweet. They were rescued after returning, in memory of the victims, with the same method, many cakes to eat roast. Such" Biscay" gradually spread. After the improvement of food workers, made of various kinds of biscuits.
  1. 答:这个是做黄油饼干的食谱。 In a large bowl, cream together the butter and white sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg, then stir in the bine the flour and salt; stir into the sugar mixture. Cover dough, and chill for at least one hour.
    Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Press dough out onto cookie sheets.
    Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, or until lightly golden at the edges. Remove from cookie sheets to cool.
