

  1. 答:Abstract: Xiao Quan Ha southern music playing style formation, with its wide range of factors. Based on the Spring House, South Sound Xiao representative player Wang Dahao teachers, Wu Shian teachers and southern music industry veteran artists of the interview, try from the south sound spectrum "Eight horses" playing in the analysis of Spring House, South Sound Xiao playing techniques used, playing style grasp and discuss aspects of emotional expression, to explore the South Sound Xiao Quan Ha playing style similarities and differences.
  1. 答:不懂什么意思,你是要让我翻译?
    Changshu to (city) line, called the study, from the linguistic point of view, the names of the words Changshu linear systems analysis to the general Changshu names from just behind the tendencies and show the human character. At the same time analysis parison of new and old city streets were named after the differences, to try to speculate Changshu of the naming of streets.
  2. 答:请问“线状地名”有没有打错字?
    Abstract: The line placenames of Changshu will be the subject investigated in this essay. The author will analyze the line placename system used nowadays in Changshu from the standpoint of linguistics so as to the trend of naming places in Changshu and the humanistic spirit behind the very trend. At the meantime, the author will analyze pare the differences between the street names of new and old city proper in order to conjecture the discipline of naming streets in Changshu.
  1. 答:论文中是可以出现真实的地名的,其实论文讲究的以事实为依据,实事求是,多举例证证明你的论文在地名可圈可点的东西,加强你论文的可信度
